
❤Kokeshi Dolls Weekly Refills for PERSONAL Size❤


Thank you very much for waiting!  I’ve put up the weekly refills for the Personal size on my Etsy shop today!  Like I wrote in my last post, they are for just 12 weeks, not for an entire year.

Click to check the item!↓


Weekly Personal Size Image 1


I went to London last weekend as I had to go to the Japanese embassy to get some paperwork done for my uncle in Japan.  I got there on Sunday afternoon and left there on Monday evening so didn’t have much time while I was there, but I managed to go to Japan Center right near Piccaddily Circus and bought a lot of Japanese ingredients which I use for cooking.
Most sushi were sold out at the Japan Centre, so I walked into Itsu on the same street and bought sushi to eat at the hotel.

It was a lot better than what I usually buy from supermarkets like Marks & Spencer etc.  I’m so jealous of people who live in London!!!

As you know, the London Marathon was held on Sunday, so there were still so many people when I got there around 5 pm.


P1130369This is the Embassy of Japan near Green Park station.
My throat has been sore since I got back from London. When I catch a cold it always starts in my throat , so I was worried that my temperature would go up as well.  So I made myself a lot of special ginger/garlic/miso/spring onion soup (!!) and kept on eating it, and I’m 95% cured now!

I hope you are having a lovely weekend!


2 thoughts on “❤Kokeshi Dolls Weekly Refills for PERSONAL Size❤”

  1. I hope you are over your cold! It always happens to me whenever I go into a warm building and out into the cold several times a day. What a bother, isn’t it?

    I’ll have to watch my money a bit, since I just ordered a Personal Finsbury with a discount I won, but I’ll try and order a set of those refills. I’d really like to know if they work for me.

    Oishisou sushi desu! Sushi ga daisuki! (Hope I got that right…)

    Have a good weekend!

    1. Watashi mo sushi ga daisuki desu!!! 🙂

      Yes, I’m feeling totally fine now, thank you! Wow, so you got a new Personal Finsbury- that sounds great 😉 My refills will always be there so there is no rush at all, you know!

      (Have a lovely weekend!)

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