
New Handmade Today Marker for my Pocket Finsbury!

I wonder if Filofax is ever going to make The Original for the Pocket size!!  I hope they will because I love it very much!  Especially the red one 🙂

OK, I’ve got some photos to show you today because I made some new page markers for my Pocket Finsbury!

Here is the Today Marker I made the other day 🙂  Not a kokeshi girl but a rabbit girl this time, hehe 😛

P1130500 copyI always draw some sketches on a piece of paper first, and then trace it on the computer.


Here is my new daily refill (not for selling but for my own use).  I often modify the format and I like this new simple format which I just modified last weekend.

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Here is the photo of my daily refills and the today marker in my Filofax 🙂

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Here is another new page marker for the monthly pages.

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The tabs look like this 🙂

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OK, this is the last photo!  This is just a trial version and you can keep some small notes or receipts in it.  I’m not 100% happy with it yet, so not really sure if I’m im going to add this in my shop or not.

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Back of it.

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Thank you for reading and I hope you had a lovely weekend!

sachiko black

37 thoughts on “New Handmade Today Marker for my Pocket Finsbury!”

  1. OH I always anticipate your new blog posts!! Your new inserts are wonderful!! The new today marker is CUTE!! love rabbits! I really like the pocket insert! I think its a must for your shop!!!All your tabs look so nice and neat!!
    I was wanting to order your weekly inserts and need more stickers but always want to wait just a bit longer to see what new you come up with!! lol If you decide to make the pocket inserts I would love one..!!!

    1. Congratulations on your great success on the give away, Suzee!! Those pencil cases you made are so lovely!!
      I’ve been thinking of making some pocket inserts for quite some time but never really had time to do it. Then I recently received a request so I thought it’s time to give it a go! 🙂 Yes, I’m always thinking about what to make next… hehe 🙂

    1. Hi Claudia! Are you the same Claudia who talked to me about the pocket (envelope) inserts? If so, I hope what I made is something close to what you were talking about! 🙂

  2. Your Filofax is adorable, I love it! I agree with you on wanting the Original to come out in Pocket – I want Patent Purple and the saddle brown colour.

    1. Thank you very much, Lily! Yes! I think the purple one is gorgeous as well! I usually get attracted to pink & red, but other colours like yellow and green ones are also looking sooo nice, so if they ever make them for the Pocket size I would have a very difficult time to choose one lol!

  3. I like the rabbit marker! But I’d want the word “today” in Japanese! I *so* need to practice my Kanji more!

    I like the Original Filofax, if only for the big selection of colours! Something for everybody!

    My new Finsbury needs a good workout, but aside from that, I like it. I’m good for summer now!

    1. Hi Regina! I’m so happy to hear that you like the rabbit marker 🙂 Oh, “today” in Japanese!! I never thought about that lol!! So you are learning Kanji!? It’s awful,but I’ve forgotten so many kanji characters since I came to England and need a dictionary when I write letters in Japanese lol!- If I don’t write them daily I forget them so easily, you know! I hope your new Finsbury will soften up soon! 😉

      1. I know what you mean – I’m glad it’s not just me! I keep forgetting Kanji if I don’t practice them daily! What little Japanese I know I taught myself and it is my belief that learning a new language should always include at least a nodding acquaintance with its writing system. It’s difficult, but it’s fun as well. a few weeks ago, I had to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for my ECDL course. As topic, I picked Japanese letters. I think it went over well.

        Azul, the Finsbury, is doing fine. the workout helped!

        1. Hahaha, yep, it’s not just you! Wow, you did a presentation on Japanese letters!? Glad it went well 🙂 (I’m sorry, but what’s ECDL by the way??)

          1. European Computer Driver’s Licence – All in preparation for resuming job hunting in September. I never did that with a Filofax by my side and I’m sure it will help.

            Btw, we have our annual Sakura Hanabi here in Hamburg today. Hope the weather plays along. And tomorrow there will be a cultural event hosted by the Japanese Consulate. I’ll be in Japanese Heaven today and tomorrow!

            1. Hi Regina! I’m so sorry for my late reply! And good luck on your job hunting! 🙂 I’m sure your Filofax will be your great company!

              Sakura Hanabi sounds WONDERFUL!!! I hope you had a nice weather there. I just read about the Sakura Festival in Hamburg, and it sounds like a great Japanese festival with many food stalls!! I really wish there was something like that here in Liverpool as well lol!!!

  4. hi sachiko plssssss make the pocket for sell, its totally wounderul i vill buy a lot its so great, the page is great to i love everything you do. thx to god i found your sajt

    1. Thank you very much! I’m so happy that you like my items 🙂 I will definitely try my best to get the pocket insert(s) ready for selling soon! 🙂

  5. Aah! You’re making me want to use my Pocket again!!! I love the inserts (all of them! From the pockets, the daily refills, the today and monthly marker)!

    1. I just went to your blog and saw your beautiful Personal Amazona!!! And you used to use a Pocket Finsbury! 😉 By the way, my first Finsbury (Aqua) had a tiny black ink on the front cover, and I tried to get rid of it one day. But that was a BIG mistake and I totally ruined the cover!!! I just wanted to let you know that because your Amazona looks so beautiful and didn’t want you to make the same mistake…! 😉

    1. Thank you, Helen! I hope you’ve been doing well! 😉 Oh, my Filofax is far from the perfect lol!!! But thinking about what to do next is the fun part, isn’t it? 🙂

    1. Yes, I’ve found her blog ealier this week and been there so many times I decided to order my Apex A5 Pink FF!!!
      And when she is here I will order the kokeshi dividers!! Love them to…
      Hope it will work for you to make more stuff in A5! You will make me happy!! whoot whoot…

      1. Thank you very much for your comment and I’m so sorry for my late reply, Patricia!! I’m currently working on today & month markers for the Pocket & Personal sizes, but when I finish them I will move onto the A5 size as well! 🙂 I’m sure you’ll love your Apex A5 Pink FF! 😉

  6. Hi Sachiko! I just found your blog and I’m hooked! I got my very first FF last week and I’m trying to organize it to my liking. Thanks so much for sharing all your kawaii goodies! Aloha, Linda

    1. Hi Linda! Thank you very much for your comment and I’m so sorry for my late reply!! I’m really happy that you could find my blog, and congratulations on getting your very first FF!! 😉

  7. I absolutely love the pocket/envelope thingy.. I would really need something like this for my A5 filofax 😀 I have filofax zipper pocket for pens and some post it and two opening on the top ( on for school shedule) and the other for some important stuff and papers that I need but it is sometimes hard to get it out this would make it so much easier… how didi you make it ? I would try it too… Oh by the was I have your dividers and they are so cute 😀

    1. Thank you for using my dividers, Kate! So you keep a lot of things in your Filofax! That pocket/envelope thing is really easy to make, but it’s not really easy for me to explain how to make it in words lol!! I don’t know when, but I might post a tutorial on how to make it 🙂

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